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AfrElec: MTN launches integrated wind and solar hybrid project in South Africa

Multinational telecommunications giant MTN has kicked off the first in a series of projects in South Africa within the group’s integrated wind and solar renewable energy generation rollout programme, Engineering News reports.

The first series of Net Zero projects in a six-month plan to unlock off-grid, clean and reliable energy alternatives is a small-scale field trial in Worcester, in the Western Cape. It will be followed by a series of projects in the Eastern Cape, with completion targeted for the third quarter of the year, MTN South Africa (MTN SA) said in a press statement on June 8.

“MTN continues to harness best-in-breed technologies to ensure we drive sustainable solutions across our network,” said MTN SA CEO Charles Molapisi. “Innovation in generating green energy is critical in achieving MTN Net Zero goals as we move towards fulfilment of our Ambition 2025 strategy.”

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