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AsiaElec: India to fall short on 2022 renewable targets

India has admitted it will no longer achieve its 2022 clean energy goal of 175 GW from renewable sources.

In confirming the missing of its December 2022 pledge, by way of a renewed set of climate goals issued at the United Nations this month, New Delhi laid the blame for the shortcoming at the foot of delays in solar and wind installations.

On paper the government’s amended Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the 2015, Paris Agreement now outlines an intent to produce around 50% of all electricity from renewable sources by the end of the decade.

The update to the NDC, however, is a de-facto admission that efforts in the years since Paris have not met with as much momentum as the administration of Narendra Modi (in power since 2014) initially promised.

The 175-GW goal, meanwhile, will maintain its initial form with a total of 100 GW to come from solar installations, a further 60 GW from wind powered sources and the remaining 15 GW from a combination of biomass and hydropower.