EBRD underlines Uzbekistan’s “renewables potential”
Uzbekistan has particularly promising potential in the development of wind and solar power, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) told a virtual conference on July 14. The international lender recently signed some of the first private investments in the Central Asian country in the sector, including in reference to solar power plants in Nur Navoi and Samarkand.
An international roundtable, “Accelerating Renewable Energy Development for Clean Energy Transition in Uzbekistan”, discussed ways of scaling up the deployment of renewable energy within the framework of the clean energy transition agenda of the Uzbek government.
“Although rich in oil and gas reserves, Uzbekistan has embarked on an ambitious and far-reaching plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and eventually achieve carbon neutrality of the domestic energy sector by 2050. The country plans to focus on the development of low-carbon energy sources including solar, hydro and wind energy,” the EBRD said.
Alisher Sultanov, Minister of Energy of Uzbekistan, commented: “We are carefully studying the best international practices in countries such as Germany, Russia, the Netherlands, China and Spain. I am confident that this exchange of experience will help us to shape our path and succeed in attracting international investment in this area. We are taking bold and concrete steps to implement a number of strategic and sectoral measures aimed at expanding the use of renewable energy sources and building infrastructure for hydrogen energy.”
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