LatAmOil: Petronas hits hydrocarbon for third time in Block 52 in Suriname

Petronas has made a third hydrocarbon discovery in Block 52 at the Fusaea-1 exploration well in Suriname’s Block 52, located about 170 km offshore and 9 km east from Roystonea-1, the Malaysian oil company announced.
The well was spudded in Feb 2024 and successfully drilled to a total depth of 5,227 metres with zero LTI. It encountered several oil and gas-bearing Campanian sandstone reservoir packages.
Further evaluation is being undertaken to determine the full extent of this discovery and its potential for an integrated development with the recent Roystonea-1 and Sloanea-1 discoveries, said Petronas Suriname E&P.
"The favourable results attained from the Fusaea-1 exploration well have solidified Petronas’ standing in Suriname for material hydrocarbon resource, following the Sloanea-1 and Roystonea-1 discoveries," said Petronas executive vice president and CEO of upstream, Datuk Adif Zulfikfli.
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