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REM: Eurowind plans five onshore ‘energy centres’ in Denmark totalling 2.5 GW

Eurowind Energy is planning five onshore renewable energy centres in Denmark with a total installed capacity of 2.5 GW.

The centres will include wind turbines, solar photovoltaics, batteries and green hydrogen production.

Biogas and hydrogen refining may also become part of the centres, said Eurowind. The company said it has agreements with landowners for the acreage needed for the five projects.

Jens Rasmussen, CEO of Eurowind Energy, said: “We have now come so far on all five projects that we can share the wider perspectives of our energy centres. Solar PV [photovoltaics] and wind turbines will always be the starting point for us. They produce the green power that is used in the other parts of the energy centre. That part is in place. We are also working with battery technology, because this way we can provide balance services to the electricity grid.”

He added: “We also count on electrolysis as part of all our energy centres and our medium-sized energy parks. We are relatively advanced in the work with PtX [power to X] as a natural part of a park.”