World Bank to provide $19mn for Aral Sea climate change adaptation
The World Bank, as an accredited entity for the Green Climate Fund (GCF), on June 24 approved additional financing totalling $19mn for the Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Programme for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) project.
The additional financing will support climate change adaptation and mitigation practices among the most vulnerable rural populations in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The project will fund crop diversification,rehabilitation of degraded lands, better water resource management and expansion of renewable energy sources, among other sub-projects. The beneficiaries will be required to make at least a 10% contribution to the relevant sub-projects
The project is being implemented by the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), the Committee for the Environmental Protection of Tajikistan, and the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbekistan,
It expects to reach 205,000 individuals with women making up at least 40%.
“This support package will allow to expand the World Bank’s partnership with the Executive Committee of IFAS, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It will scale up the project’s successful regional initiatives and climate investments that focus on sustainable livelihoods, generate lessons and experience for enhanced climate action in Central Asia,” said World Bank regional director for Central Asia Lilia Burunciuc. “This funding will ensure that green growth and climate-smart development are at the forefront of economic recovery following the COVID-19 crisis.”
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