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AsiaElec: Threat of invasion comes second to Taiwanese wind ambitions

Taiwan daily faces the threat of invasion from China and ever stronger rhetoric coming from Beijing across the Strait, yet few of the 23mn islanders seem to be paying much attention. This is slowly changing in Taiwan's booming offshore wind sector.

Wind farms running along much of Taiwan’s west coast are being added to daily, with major industry names such as Danish multinational energy firm Orsted an increasing presence in Taiwanese waters.

In a recent Reuters article focusing the spotlight on wind farm expansion while under threat of a Chinese invasion, general manager of Orsted Taiwan Christy Wang said that while the European firm is aware of the threat from across the Strait, there has been no change in strategy on the part of Orsted.

“Obviously the project is here for the long term,” Wang said of her own firm’s combination of 10 smaller individual undertakings in the country.

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