AfrElec - Africa Power Monitor

23 July 2024

Kenyan utility advances renewable energy capacity with plans to connect 42.5-MW solar power plant

18 July 2024

Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) is advancing its renewable energy capacity with plans to connect a new 42.5-megawatt solar power plant to the national grid by 2027,

Record growth in renewables must be significantly topped up, says IRENA

17 July 2024

The world risks missing the tripling renewables target pledged at COP28 in November. That is although renewables are becoming the fastest growing source of power, says the International Renewable Energy Agency.

Ghana's lithium mining deal with Barari DV faces parliamentary hurdles

17 July 2024

A controversial lithium mining agreement between Ghana's government and a subsidiary of Atlantic Lithium Limited has encountered repeated obstacles in Parliament.

Investment into green energy to top $2 trillion in 2024 for first time – IEA

16 July 2024

The world now invests almost twice as much in clean energy as it does in fossil fuels, according to a report by the International Energy Agency (IEA), but there are major imbalances in investment with Emerging Markets lagging the developed world.

South Africa eyes Russian LNG

16 July 2024

South Africa should not be “ashamed of importing gas from Russia,” the former country’s energy minister, Gwede Mantashe, told parliament in Cape Town on July 11.