FSUOGM - Former Soviet Union Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas


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Russia and the other former Soviet republics are often viewed as remote and obscure, but FSU OGM sheds light on the vital role these countries play in world energy markets. It explains the region's status as a key player in the EU's energy planning, while also focusing on the progress of efforts to expand deliveries to Asia.

Leading commentaries in recent years have covered the economic consequences of political unrest in Ukraine, efforts to open the Southern Gas Corridor between the Caspian Sea Basin and the EU, competition between Russia and Central Asia for access to the Chinese gas market and the continued rise in Russian liquids production.

Our journalists on the ground have a wealth of local experience and are proficient in Russian and other languages in Central Asia, allowing us to provide an unparalleled level of industry coverage.

FSUOGM is a fully digital publication and can be read via PDF, PageSuite or via our NewsBase App.

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Need more convincing?

DATACRUNCH: Sanctions by the numbers – gas

14 April 2022

Voices are calling very loudly for the EU to shut off deliveries of Russian gas immediately. Since the start of the conflict in Ukraine, Germany has paid Russia some €9bn a week for gas imports that critics say is being used to fund the Putin war.

DATACRUNCH: Sanctions by the numbers – oil

12 April 2022

Russia dominates Europe’s oil supplies, accounting for 25% of all oil deliveries. Most of Europe wants to diversify away from Russian oil, but adding to the difficulties is that much of this oil is delivered not by ship but the Druzhba pipelines.

Hungary to circumvent EU sanctions through gas payment 'technical solutions'

12 April 2022

Hungary plans to pay for Russian gas in euros through Gazprombank, which will convert the payment into roubles.

Edited by

Newsbase staff


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