REM - Renewable Energy


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REM covers information across all main renewable energy sources, including onshore and offshore wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, biofuels, hydro, wave, tidal and marine. It also gives insight into new and developing technologies such as algal biofuels and advanced storage, keeping our customers abreast of the latest updates and innovations relevant to any of the above sectors.

REM aims to alert readers and investors on the latest large-scale projects and IPOs, giving balanced coverage of potential global opportunities for investors and companies along the renewable energy supply chain.

In the renewables industry, policy can often dictate the fate of successful projects and investment – REM aims to provide detailed commentary and the latest news on regional issues and decision-making, from a supra-national level such as the European Commission, to national guidance such as the US EPA or Japan’s METI.

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Big changes under Biden for US oil and gas

30 April 2021

US President Joe Biden’s push to prioritise the fight against climate change means major changes for the country’s oil and gas industry.

EIB approves €340mn of renewables and water funding for Africa

29 April 2021

The European Investment Bank has approved €340mn of funding for water and renewable energy in Africa.

Mozambique pre-qualifies five IPPs for 40-MW solar project

29 April 2021

Mozambique's Energy Regulatory Authority (Arene) has published the results of the pre-qualification process for the construction of a 40-MW solar power plant in Dondo in Sofala Province.

US supports 5-GW solar roll-out in Namibia and Botswana

29 April 2021

US President Joe Biden has confirmed his administration’s support for Namibia and Botswana’s Mega Solar Project, which aims to develop 5 GW of solar power across the two countries.

Chevron, Toyota partner on large-scale hydrogen development

29 April 2021

North American subsidiaries of super-major Chevron and automotive manufacturer Toyota are pursuing an alliance on large-scale hydrogen development.

Biden to finance a modernised electricity grid with $8.25bn

28 April 2021

The administration of President Joe Biden has released $8.25bn in spending for a modernised US grid, which is crucial for a roll-out of more renewable energy. The US’s grid is balkanised and several decades old.

Study: Texas cold snap led to $4bn in wind farm financial losses

28 April 2021

The Arctic freeze in Texas in February led to more than $4bn in financial losses for wind projects in the state, says renewable energy consultancy ArcVera Renewables in a new study.

China's renewable gencos take on more debt

28 April 2021

China’s state-owned renewable power generators (renewable gencos) are set to take on more debt in a bid to drive forward the government’s renewable development.

China defends role of coal

28 April 2021

A Chinese climate change official has defended the country’s coal consumption in the power sector, saying that it was a major source of employment and a predictable and reliable source of energy.

Indonesia’s Geo Dipa Energi to develop 400 MW of geothermal

28 April 2021

Indonesia’s PT Geo Dipa Energi (GDE) aims to develop 400 MW of geothermal capacity in the Dieng area by 2023.

Patent data highlights need to increase the sluggish pace of green innovation

28 April 2021

The number of new patents needs to continue increasing every year if new technology is to drive the world’s movement towards net zero

Vattenfall prequalifies for France’s fourth offshore wind tender

28 April 2021

Vattenfall and its partners wpd and Banque des Territoires have been prequalified for France’s upcoming 1-GW offshore wind tender off the coast of Normandy.

Global offshore wind FIDs to increase by 57% in 12 months

28 April 2021

Analysis released from Westwood Global Energy Group, a London-based energy market research and consultancy firm, forecasts that offshore wind energy projects final investment decisions (FIDs) will grow by 57% in the next year.

Climate change to amplify border tensions in Southeast Europe

27 April 2021

OSCE report identifies border hotspots across the region where rising temperatures and more extreme weather events risk adding to border tensions.

Biden positions US for COP 26 in Scotland

26 April 2021

US President Joe Biden has positioned the United States as a core world leader in the run-up to the 26th United Nations global climate summit, known as COP 26, in November in Glasgow, Scotland.

Edited by

Newsbase staff


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