REM - Renewable Energy


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REM covers information across all main renewable energy sources, including onshore and offshore wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, biofuels, hydro, wave, tidal and marine. It also gives insight into new and developing technologies such as algal biofuels and advanced storage, keeping our customers abreast of the latest updates and innovations relevant to any of the above sectors.

REM aims to alert readers and investors on the latest large-scale projects and IPOs, giving balanced coverage of potential global opportunities for investors and companies along the renewable energy supply chain.

In the renewables industry, policy can often dictate the fate of successful projects and investment – REM aims to provide detailed commentary and the latest news on regional issues and decision-making, from a supra-national level such as the European Commission, to national guidance such as the US EPA or Japan’s METI.

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European Commission provides €1bn funding boost for 72 Green Deal research projects

6 June 2021

The European Commission has selected 72 research and innovation projects that will receive €1bn in funding to support the aims of the Green Deal.

Coal bandits

4 June 2021

The IEA has said that the road to net zero by 2050 is “narrow but still achievable,” so long as there is no more investment in new coal projects, in order to limit global warming to 1.5C.

Kenya to adjust minigrids regulations to boost private investment

3 June 2021

Kenya’s Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is considering proposals to allow private companies to buy electricity from state-owned Kenya Power and then sell it on in what could be a major boost for the country’s minigrid sector.

Scaling Solar supports 60 MW of solar capacity in Senegal

3 June 2021

The World Bank Group's Scaling Solar programme has launched 60 MW of solar capacity in Senegal that will offer one of the lowest power prices in sub-Saharan Africa.

bneGreen: North Macedonia heads towards green energy transition

3 June 2021

North Macedonia's national energy strategy foresees a 66% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector by 2030.

Coal’s appetite for expansion puts net zero at risk

3 June 2021

Current coal mine expansion productions now stand at 30% of current, putting at risk the move towards net zero

Sinopec looks to cleaner future

3 June 2021

The state-owned refiner is investing in both petrochemicals and hydrogen as it plans for a decline in transportation fuel demand.

REM: EDPR enters Chile with 628-MW wind, solar portfolio

3 June 2021

REM: EDPR enters Chile with 628-MW wind, solar portfolio

Surging iron prices are driving up carbon costs for the producers

3 June 2021

Iron prices have surged to nine-year highs in the post-COVID commodities boom that got underway at the end of last year, but that is now pushing up the cost of carbon for producers and eating into their profits.

Edited by

Newsbase staff


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