AfrElec - Africa Power Monitor
11 December 2020
Green growth in emerging economies continues in 2019, but the 2020 pandemic will cause pain
10 December 2020
The outlook for renewable energy growth in developing economies was exceptionally bright at the end of 2019, BloombergNEF (BNEF) has said in its annual Climatescope survey.
IRENA, AfDB to scale up renewable investment in Africa
10 December 2020
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is to work with the African Development Bank (AfDB) to promote investment in low-carbon energy projects across the continent in a bid to drive forward the energy transition.
Standard Bank tightens coal financing rules but refuses to divest entirely
10 December 2020
South Africa’s Standard Bank is to maintain its funding of coal projects, but has tightened its investment criteria.
Nigeria needs to capitalise more on gas wealth: NLNG
10 December 2020
UN calls for green investment to meet UN targets
9 December 2020
Investing in green economic stimulus packages could reduce 2030 emissions by 25%, thereby making the Paris Agreement 2°C goal a possibility
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