AsianOil - Asia Oil & Gas

5 February 2020

China’s crude consumption slumps under coronavirus crisis

3 February 2020

China’s oil demand has fallen by 3mn barrels per day in the wake of the ongoing coronavirus crisis, Bloomberg reported on February 3.

Coro walks away from Indonesian farm-in deal

3 February 2020

UK-listed junior Coro Energy has ditched plans to acquire a 42.5% interest in the Bulu PSC offshore Indonesia, with the company citing a significantly increased risk attached to the deal.

Malaysian state calls on Petronas to up its social contributions

3 February 2020

Malaysia’s Sarawak State has called on state oil major Petronas to pay a social windfall tax when international oil prices top $100 per barrel.

Australia signs energy deal with NSW

3 February 2020

The Australian government has agreed to provide AUD2bn ($1.34bn) of funding for energy infrastructure projects in the state of New South Wales in return for local authorities promising to boost natural gas supply for domestic users.

MPCL, POL win Pakistani licence

3 February 2020

The Pakistani Petroleum Division has awarded a petroleum concession agreement (PCA) and exploration licence for the onshore Taung block to Pakistan Oilfields Ltd (POL) and Mari Petroleum Company Ltd (MPCL).

Oilex sells Australian, Indian assets

3 February 2020

Australian independent Oilex has agreed to sell newly acquired assets in Australia as well as a production-sharing contract (PSC) in India as it shifts its focus to exploration plays in the UK.

India plans gas pricing reform to spur upstream investment

3 February 2020

India’s drive to increase domestic consumption of natural gas has seen the government pledge to reform pricing as well as expand the country’s pipeline network.

Thailand looking at LNG spot market

30 January 2020

Thailand’s Ministry of Energy has ordered state-owned oil and gas company PTT to assess the feasibility of buying LNG on the spot market in order to take advantage of lower prices.