Energo - CEE/FSU Power
25 June 2020
Western Balkan coal power plants still greatly exceed pollution limits
24 June 2020
Levels of sulphur dioxide emitted by power plants in the EU-aspiring region exceed pollution limits by almost six times, finds a new report from Bankwatch.
Company investigated by murdered Maltese journalist involved in wind farm deal in Montenegro
20 June 2020
LONG READ: Construction work on Belarus’ Ostrovets nuclear power station almost complete, but is it safe?
19 June 2020
Construction work at Belarus’ Ostrovets NPP is coming to an end and it is expected to come online in July. But the facility remains a bone of contention with its neighbours, who simply don't trust the Belarusians to run a nuclear facility
Iraq ‘consents to settling gas, electricity debts owed to Iran with food and medicine shipments’
18 June 2020
IEA puts $3 trillion price tag on a green recovery
18 June 2020
The IEA calls for $3 trillion of new energy investment over three years to avoid emissions bouncing back to pre-COVID-19 levels and to move towards the Paris Agreement goals
Greens take aim at planned Estonia shale oil plant
18 June 2020
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