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Petrobras and Japan’s Kureha to develop carbon capture at offshore rigs

24 August 2023

Japanese chemicals company Kureha will partner with Petrobras to develop a new way to capture and utilise carbon dioxide from offshore oil fields. The technology will be tested within a few years at a Petrobras rig off the coast of Brazil.

Brazil's regulator ANP updates gas regulatory agenda

24 August 2023

Brazil's oil and gas regulator ANP added to its regulatory agenda items concerning gas release regulations and the criteria for transportation pipelines. It also set back conclusion dates for another 14 existing items.

Russia on course to overtake US as Brazil’s top fuel supplier

24 August 2023

Exports to Brazil are set to surge by 25% in August compared to the previous month to around 235,000 barrels per day, which could help Russia overtake the US as Brazil’s top foreign fuel supplier.

Brazil’s Petrobras expects to continue producing oil for four decades

24 August 2023

A Petrobras executive has said the Brazilian state-owned energy major could be producing oil for the next four decades, while increasing green energy investments.

Two Indonesian coal-fired plants to be retired in bid to reach net-zero

24 August 2023

The Indonesian government has announced its readiness to prematurely retire two coal-fired thermal power plants as an initial commitment towards achieving the nation's net-zero emissions by 2060.

Albanian PM says Shell to invest up to €7bn in Shpirag

24 August 2023

PM Edi Rama says indications oil at Shpirag is of very high quality, paving the way for game changing investments in Albania.

bneGreen: Vietnam leads in SE Asia's boom into renewable energy investment

24 August 2023

Vietnam has taken the lead as investment into renewable energy gathers momentum in SE Asia as governments across the board introduce supportive regulation and attractive tariff policies that have attracted investment.

Brazil’s attorney general eases Petrobras’ path to explore the Foz do Amazonas basin

23 August 2023

Brazil’s government may have lifted one of the key hurdles for Petrobras to drill at an offshore region considered to be the country’s most promising area for oil exploration, the Foz do Amazonas basin.

Iberdrola establishes company to harness carbon-credit markets' potential

23 August 2023

Spain’s Iberdrola has set up Carbon2Nature, a new company that aims to capture and store over 61mn tonnes of CO2 through projects that generate high-quality carbon credits.

Guyana tops economic-growth chart on the back of oil industry growth

23 August 2023

Guyana tops a list of the 20 countries with the highest economic growth over the past five years, says an assessment by Insider Monkey. Since 2018, it has experienced an average annual GDP growth of 27.14%, primarily boosted by oil exploration.

Solar generation increases in Brazil

23 August 2023

Solar photovoltaic energy generation in Brazil now exceeds 23 GW in terms of installed power in residences, shops, industries, rural facilities, public buildings and utility-scale plants.