AsiaElec - Asia Power
9 September 2020
State Gas reveals CBM production record
3 September 2020
Australian junior State Gas has revealed a new coal-bed methane (CBM) production test record at its wholly owned Reid’s Dome project in the Bowen Basin.
Australia well placed to exploit green hydrogen potential
2 September 2020
Economies of scale and the falling cost of renewables make Australia well placed to exploit its future green hydrogen potential
ADB advised to withdraw from coal
2 September 2020
The Asian Development Bank’s internal watchdog, Independent Evaluation, has urged the bank to revisit its energy policy and formally withdraw from financing new coal-fired projects.
Total, Macquarie to develop 2-GW floating wind portfolio in South Korea
2 September 2020
Total and the Macquarie-owned Green Investment Group (GIG) have concluded a 50/50 partnership to develop a portfolio of five floating offshore wind projects in South Korea.
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