AsiaElec - Asia Power

30 May 2023

Anti-nuclear feeling passes into history as Asia looks past Fukushima

29 May 2023

In the months that followed the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant meltdown in mid-March 2011, few in Japan would have ever suspected that nuclear power would again be looked at as a possible future source of power for the nation of 125mn.

New Indian gigafactory spearheads nation’s EV cell ambitions

29 May 2023

Just a week after Indian government and private sector officials held talks with Tesla with a view to attracting the US electric car maker to the subcontinent, construction work has begun at what is said to be the largest battery gigafactory in India

India considers scrapping all future new coal construction plans

29 May 2023

A key Indian document called the National Electricity Policy is hinting at a complete cessation of new coal-fired power plant construction in the country.

Taiwan realises the value of STATCOMs, places order with Mitsubishi

28 May 2023

In news from Taiwan last week, Shihlin Electric and Engineering Corporation, a local affiliate of Japan’s leading Mitsubishi Electric, revealed that it had received an order from an agency in the country for a synchronous compensator.

Japan-UK tie-up raises hopes of floating molten salt reactor

28 May 2023

Reports from Japan say that over a dozen of the nation’s leading nuclear power-linked firms have invested heavily in the UK firm Core Power.

Ammonia to boost Indonesia’s fertiliser, fuel, power potential

26 May 2023

An ongoing study initiated by a joint Indonesian and Danish team is looking into the feasibility of construction and plant operations for an ammonia production facility in a remote corner of the Southeast Asian country.

Vietnam backs gas as the power source of the immediate future

26 May 2023

Hanoi has signalled its intent to more than quadruple its existing gas interests by the end of the decade. To do so would guarantee cover for 15% of the nation’s existing energy demand.

Chinese solar exports climb 64%

24 May 2023

China's solar exports grew 64% in 2022 to $52bn despite global tensions, according to analysis by consultancy Wood Mackenzie.

Credit where credit’s due in Asia turning green

23 May 2023

Tokyo for its sins was deemed guilty of using its Green Transformation efforts of late to mask its real goal of increasing the use of fossil fuels around Asia in the years ahead.