FSUOGM - Former Soviet Union Oil & Gas

15 December 2021

Pandora Papers reveal details of the Makhlai family hidden ownership schemes amid legal dispute between Toglittiazot shareholders

14 December 2021

The Pandora Papers reveal details of schemes used by Russian businessmen, Vladimir and Sergei Makhlai, to allegedly defraud their shareholders using New Zealand-based shell companies to sell chemicals produced by Toglittiazot.

Naftogaz improves P&L in 9M21, burns cash in Q3

14 December 2021

Naftogaz improves P&L in 9M21, burns cash in Q3

Can Russian aviation go green?

13 December 2021

Due to its history of pioneering technological development, its expansive geography, and its vast and well-financed petrochemicals industry, Russia could be at the forefront of green air travel if it chooses to be.

DTEK Oil & Gas produced 1.88 bcm of natural gas in 11M21

13 December 2021

DTEK Oil & Gas produced 1.88 bcm of natural gas in 11M21

Ukraine reduces domestic gas tariffs

12 December 2021

Ukraine reduces domestic gas tariffs

European gas storage falling fast, on course to end the heating season with only 10% left in storage

10 December 2021

Gas storage in Europe continues to fall at worrying rates, suggesting storage levels will drop to their lowest level in ten years of around 10% by the end of the heating in the last week of March.