GLNG - Global LNG

3 July 2024

Europe boosts Russian pipe gas supplies by 27% in H1 2024

2 July 2024

Europe increased Russian pipeline gas purchases by 27% year on year in the first six months of 2024.

Ecopetrol in negotiations to purchase LNG amidst production decline

2 July 2024

Colombia's state energy company, Ecopetrol SA, is actively engaged in negotiations with suppliers of liquefied natural gas as the country's domestic gas production continues to decline.

Russia said to form LNG tanker shadow fleet

2 July 2024

Facing mounting sanctions for its liquefied natural gas industry, Russia is believed to be building up a shadow fleet of tankers for LNG transportation.

Rise of LNG-fuelled trucks tempers China’s gasoil demand

1 July 2024

Increasing sales of LNG-fuelled heavy-duty trucks as a substitution for diesel-powered trucks could mean China has reached or will soon reach peak demand for gasoil.

Cedar LNG takes positive FID

1 July 2024

A positive final investment decision was announced by indigenous majority-owned Cedar LNG for its 3.3mn tonne per year floating LNG project located in British Columbia on the territory of the Haisla Nation.

Government imposes sanctions on non-compliant exporters of natural resource export proceeds

28 June 2024

The Indonesian government, through the Directorate General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance, has imposed strict sanctions on companies failing to comply with regulations on Foreign Exchange Earnings from Natural Resources Export

Turkey’s EPDK releases 2023 gas data

27 June 2024

Turkey’s Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK) reported this week in its latest annual gas report that Turkey imported 50.48bn cubic metres of natural gas during 2023, a decline of 7.64% from the 54.22 bcm of gas imported during 2022.