REM - Renewable Energy
23 countries make zero-emissions vehicle pledge
November 10 was Transport Day at COP26 in Scotland, and parts of the automotive industry had pledged to end the sale of petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2035 in leading markets and by 2040 across the globe.
First COP26 agreement lacks targets and detail
COP26 has come up with a first draft agreement that calls on governments to improve substantially by the end of 2022 their emissions reduction targets and long-term strategies for reaching net zero.
COP26 still far from comprehensive agreement
The first week of COP26 was dominated by grand statements by governments, and a number of sector-specific targets covering methane, coal and deforestation.
Development banks ADB, EBRD, EDB showcase climate-friendly capital at COP26
The UN’s COP26 climate conference in Glasgow has seen development banks from around the world come together to outline their contributions to a low-carbon future. Robust financial infrastructure is key to a just and efficient transition.
Nexans opens North America’s first subsea high-voltage cable facility to supply offshore wind sector
Nexans has opened the first US subsea high-voltage cable facility to supply offshore wind sector. The facility is in Charleston, South Carolina, on the East Coast. The US wind sector is flourishing in the region
REM: Biden to sign $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, funds modernised grid and ports
US President Joe Biden will sign into law the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill
Turkish household appliances producer Arcelik obtains €150mn EBRD loan for green manufacturing
Ljubljana airport installs photovoltaic plant
Friends of the Earth takes UKEF to court over Mozambique LNG loan
Friends of the Earth has taken legal action in the British court system in a bid to prevent the UK Export Finance (UKEF) agency from providing financial support to the Mozambique LNG project.
Offshore global wind spending to exceed oil and gas capex in key markets by 2030
Offshore wind is closing the gap on oil and gas investments and is forecast to surpass them in “several key markets” by 2030, according to a new Rystad Energy analysis.
Swisslion Trebinje to build 5 MW solar power plant
Uzbek lawmaker announces plans to launch joint EV production with South Korea’s Songuo Mobility Innovation
‘Expect less water next year,’ Kyrgyzstan warns downstream neighbours
Relations between upstream and downstream Central Asian countries can be tense. This won’t help.
Uzbek energy ministry announces series of energy tenders
TotalEnergies launches carbon sink afforestation operation in Congo, aims to plant 40mn trees
Threat of EU carbon border tax ‘big factor in persuading Turkey to ratify Paris climate accord’
Turkish opposition leader calls on foreign investors to not back Canal Istanbul mega project
Paris Accords targets will be missed, World on course to see 2.7C-3.1C increases in temperature by 2100 without drastic reductions
The global community will miss the Paris Accord target of keeping temperature rises to 1.5C and will see them climb to between 2.7C and 3.1C by 2100 unless emissions are cut by 15% a year from now on.
Turkey’s Koc Holding plans battery plant for electric cars
Uzbeks engulfed by worst dust storm in at least 150 years
Inhabitants of Tashkent struggle to breathe. Critical indicators suddenly showed city as second most polluted in the world.
Dominion Energy advances $9.8bn wind project off Virginia
US utility Dominion Energy has applied to the Virginia State Corporation Commission for permission to build its 2.6-GW Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind (CVOW) project.
Slovenia joins Alliance to Strengthen Coal Exit initiative
Gas and nuclear lobby hard to be declared green in Europe
Gas and nuclear power should be considered as sustainable investments in the EU green taxonomy, a confidential non-paper sent to the European Commission on October 29 and circulating in Brussels has claimed.
Armenia's ACBA Bank attracts equivalent of $6.75mn
UK to support climate adaption across Africa with $195mn commitment
The UK announced at COP26 GBP143.5mn ($195mn) of new and existing funding to support African governments to roll out critical adaptation projects so at-risk communities can adapt to the impact of extreme weather and changing climates.
Coal dominates at COP26 as more countries join the clean transition
Poland, Ukraine, Vietnam and a host of other major coal-burning countries made clear commitments to phase out coal power in the coming years, as the UK presidency of COP26 claimed that “the end of coal is in sight”.
UK supports Pakistan with $75mn to combat climate change
The UK announced at COP26 more than GBP55mn ($75mn) of support to help Pakistan tackle climate change, as well as manage water more sustainably and unlock climate investment.
Climate Investment Funds issues new generation of green bonds worth $500mn
The World Bank has backed the issue of $500mn of green bonds ever year for 10 years in a bid to raise private capital to scale up clean energy and sustainable infrastructure in emerging economies.
World finally commits to $100bn of climate finance for global south
UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak said at COP26 that the world’s rich nations would make good on their promise of $100bn per year of climate financing for poor countries by 2023.
UK, India launch Green Grids Initiative at COP26
EBRD backs Ukrenergo’s Eurobond to pay off $1bn green power debt
Shareholders support phasing out Rusal's high-carbon assets
INTERVIEW: Vyacheslav Fetisov, Russian ice hockey legend and UN Goodwill Ambassador
As world leaders prepare to leave the COP26 UN climate change conference in Glasgow, Vyacheslav Fetisov, a two-time Olympic gold medalist in Ice Hockey and committed environmentalist, talks about Russia's plans
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