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Slovenia’s NPP Krsko identifies source of leak to remain closed for a few weeks

9 October 2023

Slovenia’s Krsko nuclear power plant announced on October 9 that it had identified the exact location of the increased leakage in the primary system, which prompted the precautionary shutdown last Friday, 6 October.

Fuel-inefficient cars blamed for $10bn gasoline waste in Iran annually

9 October 2023

Iran’s automotive industry is inflicting at least a $10.5bn loss to the country annually as it produces vehicles that burn fuel at a rate twice as high as the global average.

ConocoPhillips gets all-clear to start up Norwegian-UK gas field

9 October 2023

Norwegian authorities have permitted ConocoPhillips to bring the Tommeliten gas field – which straddles the border between the Norwegian and UK sections of the North Sea – on stream. Production is due to start later this month.

Pakistan orders LNG spot cargo for December

9 October 2023

State-run Pakistan LNG Ltd has awarded a tender to Swiss-based energy and commodities trader Vitol for the delivery of an LNG cargo in December. It marks Pakistan’s first spot purchase of a cargo of the super-chilled fuel in more than a year.

IFC initiates offshore wind power development road map for South Africa

9 October 2023

The International Finance Corporation, a private sector finance arm of the World Bank group, is set to develop an offshore wind power road map for South Africa.

Petrobras excludes Guyana from potential oil-and-gas suppliers

9 October 2023

The CEO of Brazil's state-owned energy major, Petrobras, says it is of strategic importance to expand into neighbouring countries such as Venezuela and Bolivia. He made no mention, however, of oil-rich Guyana.

KSE: Russian seaborne oil exports fall to lowest level since September 2022, but oil revenues surge

9 October 2023

In August 2023, Russian seaborne oil exports reached their lowest point since September 2022, according to the September edition of ‘Russian Oil Tracker’ by KSE Institute. This decline came as Russia reduced its reliance on Western markets.

German coal utility RWE cuts Emsland nuclear reactor rods, stretching the limits of the law to secure its coal power investments, say sources

9 October 2023

Management at the German coal utility RWE is reportedly pushing the boundaries of national laws concerning nuclear reactor dismantling. The company is aiming to make the Emsland reactor as difficult to restart as possible.

Korean small modular reactor barge design takes a step forward

9 October 2023

The efforts between HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering (KSOE) and Kepco Engineering & Construction (Kepco E&C) to design a floating offshore nuclear power barge have achieved early approval from the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS).

Crude extraction kicks off in Iran’s Sepehr, Jofeir oilfields

9 October 2023

Iran has begun pumping crude from its Sepehr and Jofeir oilfields in the south-western Khuzestan Province, a lawmaker representing the oil-rich region said on October 8, according to state news agency IRNA.

Iran to raise polymer output by 36% by 2025

9 October 2023

Iran plans to raise its annual polymer production capacity by 36% in less than two years to get a bigger share of the Middle East’s 36mn-tonne pie, a senior manager at Aryasasol Polymer Co. said,

EU LNG imports drop to two-year low in September

9 October 2023

EU LNG imports were down 8% month on month in September, reaching their lowest level in almost two years, as storage volumes are still ample and demand remains subdued, the bloc’s data shows.