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Russia blocks booming suspicious coal exports to Ukraine via Belarus

9 October 2019

The Russian authorities have been blocking exports of coal from its territory to Ukraine through the territory of neighbouring Belarus, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining.

Hungary utility-scale solar capacity reaches 1.1GW

7 October 2019

Hungary can rely on two energy sources, nuclear and solar energy to meet the climate goals set out in the Paris Agreement, said President Janos Ader recently.

Cyprus accuses Turkey of “bullying tactics of an era long gone” as drill ship heads for ‘licensed’ waters

4 October 2019

On same day, Greek PM warns Ankara not to “exploit” the migrant crisis for its own ends as overcrowded camps experience sharp spike in arrivals.

Hungary fills up gas storage facilities to full capacity

3 October 2019

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto says move guarantees domestic supply security and allows Hungary to store gas for other countries, after Gazprom agrees to top up Hungary's gas reserves.

IRAN STAND-OFF: Day brings tentative step towards peaceful Gulf outcome

2 October 2019

Tehran backs French plan for talks with US as broadly acceptable. Saudi energy minister described as “friend” by Iranian counterpart. Putin refuses to blame Islamic Republic for oil attacks. Riyadh says it wants regional “security and stability”.

Uzbekistan’s five-year goal to overhaul its energy industry

2 October 2019

The relaxation of Uzbekistan's energy industry’s ownership has created a bonanza of redevelopment projects set to be completed in the next five years. These projects including energy generation and a general liberalisation of state ownership

Poland cannot afford climate neutrality goal in 2050 minister says

2 October 2019

Poland’s energy sector would need €300bn-€400bn for transformation towards carbon-neutrality while the price tag for the entire Polish economy to meet the EU’s climate ambitions could be €700bn-€900bn, Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchorzewski said.

GULF ON EDGE: Saudi Arabia hit by ratings downgrade as reverberations from oil attacks spread

30 September 2019

In possible sign kingdom is backing off from potential conflict, Iran says third countries have delivered messages from Riyadh.

IRAN STAND-OFF: Sour conclusion to UN Assembly week as Trump denies ever offering to drop sanctions for talks

27 September 2019

Relations deteriorate further as Iran's president says United Nations HQ in New York should be moved to a “better country”. Meanwhile, Turkey’s Erdogan returns home saying Ankara will defy Washington by buying oil and gas from Islamic Republic.

Poland launches its first new coal mining operations in 25 years

27 September 2019

Poland opened its first new coal-mining facility Bzie-Debina since 1994 this week, built by the biggest EU producer of coking coal Polish mining company Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW) near the town Jastrzebie-Zdroj, close to Czech border.

Moldova signs €264mn funding package to connect to Romania’s power grid

27 September 2019

Project is of critical importance for the diversification of Moldova’s electricity supply — but highlights the need for more generation capacity in Romania.

The cost of carbon in Russia, braced to implement the Paris Accord

26 September 2019

Russia ratified the Paris Climate Accord on September 23, committing itself to reducing CO2 emissions to 70% of the 1990 levels. Massive forests and investment into improving energy efficiency have left Russia in a strong position to reduce CO2.

Russia's Gazprom moves ahead in buying out large subcontractors

26 September 2019

Natural gas giant Gazprom reportedly closed a deal to buy out 100% of its largest subcontractor Stroygazmontazh controlled by stoligarch Arkady Rotenberg.

Turkey “barely trying” to cut carbon emissions says National Geographic

25 September 2019

“Climate change report card” notes, for instance, that country is pushing ahead with huge expansion of coal-fired plants. Meanwhile, largest lake in the Mediterranean region, Beysehir, seen as on course to dry out by 2040s.

Russia signs off on Paris accord, sets itself an easy CO2 target

24 September 2019

The Russian government has ratified the 2015 Paris Agreement on combating climate change, committing itself to reducing carbon dioxide emissions to 70% of 1990 levels by 2030.

Unpacking Azerbaijan’s sovereign wealth record

24 September 2019

Global energy prices and the scale of Azerbaijan’s energy exports will determine whether the fund can continue growing at such a rapid pace.

Enthusiasm for coal starts to burn out in the Western Balkans

23 September 2019

Montenegro, like most of the countries in the EU-aspiring region, derives a large share of its power from coal, but the decision to drop plans to build a new coal power plant is a sign countries in the region could be kicking the coal habit.

COMMENT: Fear mongering on nuclear power is imperilling the planet

20 September 2019

On September 14th, the Akademik Lomonosov, a first of its kind floating nuclear plant built by Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom, arrived at Pevek, a port town on the remote Chukotka Peninsula in the Russian Arctic.