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Damietta LNG gears up to load third cargo since restart

17 March 2021

The Damietta LNG plant in Egypt is preparing to export its third cargo since resuming operations last month, according to Italy’s Eni, a shareholder in the facility.

GLNG: Albanian feasibility study, US exports and carbon-compensated LNG in Spain

16 March 2021

Plenty of LNG-related developments continue to emerge, including a feasibility study for an import terminal in Albania, the delivery of a carbon-compensated cargo of LNG by Repsol in Spain and details of US exports of the super-chilled fuel in 2020.

NorthAmOil: US rig counts down but production bouncing back

16 March 2021

The US’ active rig count edged down by one last week, according to oilfield services firm Baker Hughes. This marked the first time the US rig count had fallen since November.

AsianOil: Indonesia sets upstream content targets

16 March 2021

Indonesia’s upstream watchdog SKK Migas has set a local content target for upstream investment in 2021, after the COVID-19 pandemic derailed last year’s target.

LatAmOil: Pemex’s big discovery

16 March 2021

Mexico’s national oil company (NOC) Pemex has reported the discovery of a large new field that may hold 1bn barrels of crude.

AfrOil: Objections to fuel price hikes

16 March 2021

Fuel price hikes have sparked anger in Nigeria and Kenya during the last week.

Repaired equipment ready for return to Liza Destiny FPSO, ExxonMobil says

11 March 2021

A contractor for ExxonMobil (US) has completed repair work on faulty equipment from the Liza Destiny FPSO, which is being used to develop Liza-1, the first producing oilfield at the Stabroek block offshore Guyana.

Chapel Hill Denham raises $4.6mn for Havenhill’s mini-grid rollout

11 March 2021

Chapel Hill Denham’s Nigeria Infrastructure Debt Fund (NIDF) has raised NGN1.8bn ($4.6mn) to fund Havenhill Synergy’s construction of 22 mini-grids as part of the Nigeria Electrification Project.

Sunfunder closes $70mn Africa-faced solar fund

11 March 2021

Nairobi-based solar lender Sunfunder has closed its oversubscribed $70mn fund to finance small-scale renewables and energy storage systems in Africa and Asia.

CGX to invest $90mn in exploration offshore Guyana in 2021

11 March 2021

Canada’s CGX Energy is preparing to spend about $90mn on exploration work in Guyana’s offshore zone this year.

ExxonMobil finds non-commercial hydrocarbon reserves in Bulletwood-1 well

11 March 2021

ExxonMobil (US) and its partners have failed to find commercial quantities of crude oil or natural gas in Bulletwood-1, the first exploration well drilled at the Canje block offshore Guyana.

DPR authorises installation of FLNG unit at Yoho oilfield

10 March 2021

Nigeria’s Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) has reportedly authorised a contractor working for ExxonMobil (US) and Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC) to install a floating LNG (FLNG) unit at the Yoho oilfield.

NorthAmOil: Chevron to acquire remainder of Noble Midstream

9 March 2021

Chevron has struck an agreement to acquire all the outstanding shares of Noble Midstream Partners that it does not already own.

GLNG: Momentum behind carbon-neutral LNG

9 March 2021

Carbon-neutral LNG is increasingly gaining momentum as more industry players commit to the concept, or put themselves on a path towards it.