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Enthusiasm for coal starts to burn out in the Western Balkans

23 September 2019

Montenegro, like most of the countries in the EU-aspiring region, derives a large share of its power from coal, but the decision to drop plans to build a new coal power plant is a sign countries in the region could be kicking the coal habit.

COMMENT: Fear mongering on nuclear power is imperilling the planet

20 September 2019

On September 14th, the Akademik Lomonosov, a first of its kind floating nuclear plant built by Russian state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom, arrived at Pevek, a port town on the remote Chukotka Peninsula in the Russian Arctic.

Russian government values oil reserves at $1 trillion

20 September 2019

Russia’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has estimated the total value of Russia's oil reserves at RUB74.5 trillion ($1.2 trillion), almost doubling the valuation over one year, RBC business portal reported. Total value of hydrocarbons,

Iran’s Zarif issues “all-out war” warning

19 September 2019

US Secretary of State Pompeo says of Iranians: “It’s not the case you can subcontract out devastation of 5% of world’s global energy supply and think you can absolve yourself from responsibility.”

SAUDI OIL ATTACKS: Iran warns of wider conflict, Trump becomes unlikely fan of UN

18 September 2019

Riyadh presents debris it says shows Tehran at least sponsored pre-dawn strikes, Houthis stage press call to substantiate their military capabilities.

Poland and Lithuania say Nord Stream 2 is energy security threat in CEE region

18 September 2019

Warsaw and Vilnius fear Moscow will use the pipeline as a geopolitical tool against the region, Ukraine in particular.

Poland hints at stopping purchases of Russian gas altogether

18 September 2019

Poland finally has the infrastructure to reduce dependence on Russian gas, after it built an LNG terminal in the western town of Swinoujscie.

SAUDI OIL ATTACKS: US reaches the Iran Rubicon

17 September 2019

There’s some tough talk about as White House works out how to respond to weekend’s strikes, but hesitancy shown by key officials in both Riyadh and Washington shows the Iranians may have their foes firmly on the back foot.

NEWSBASE: Market reels as Aramco facilities come under fire

17 September 2019

A major attack on Saudi oil facilities has cut production by 5.7mn bpd, but the full effect will not be felt until existing reserves dry up.

Trump stops short of pinning definitive blame on Iran for Saudi oil attacks

17 September 2019

Critics may see his cautious approach as evidence of a vulnerability: an aversion to getting dragged into an unpopular Middle East war in the run-up to the 2020 US election.

NEWSBASE: The attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure are the oil industry's 9/11

16 September 2019

The attacks on Saudi oil infrastructure could turn out to be the oil industry’s 9/11. Reacting to the news, JP Morgan said: “Clearly oil assets have been massively mispriced. The assumption that production facilities are secure is wrong."

Drone attacks on Saudi oil facilities not set to impact oil flows to Europe in big way

16 September 2019

Europe takes little oil from Middle East. It is heavily dependent on Russia for crude deliveries and can turn to Moscow to fill any gaps. The effect on the oil price, however, is a different matter.

Czech energy giant CEZ buys a stake in German solar start-up Zolar

11 September 2019

CEZ executive calls Zolar the "pioneer of an innovative, decentralised model for purchasing rooftop solar systems".

Turkey’s banking association expects $10bn of electric utility loan restructuring this year

10 September 2019

Energy companies left up to their necks in debt by lira crisis.

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