DMEA - Downstream Middle East & Africa

29 September 2023

Oman’s Duqm Refinery exports shipment of high-quality diesel

28 September 2023

Oman’s new Duqm Refinery has sent its first shipment of high-quality diesel in line with international specifications, with news emerging amid the plant’s push towards full commercial operation.

PetroSA searches for partners to revitalise Mossel Bay refinery

28 September 2023

PetroSA aims to reverse its current predicament by revitalising its moribund Mossel Bay refinery and securing a long-term supply of feedstock.

Shenghong enters preliminary deal with Saudi Aramco

28 September 2023

Privately controlled Chinese refining major Jiangsu Eastern Shenghong Co Ltd has entered a preliminary agreement with Saudi Aramco in a move that would make the Middle Eastern company a minority stakeholder in its refining and petrochemical unit.

QatarEnergy renews naphtha supply deal with Marubeni

27 September 2023

State-owned QatarEnergy this week signed a new 10-year deal to supply naphtha to Japan’s Marubeni Corp.

OQGN to award pipeline installation and connection contract

27 September 2023

Oman’s state gas transmission system operator is reported to be set to award an engineering contract for work to install new pipelines and link them to existing infrastructure.

Oil supply agreement between Kenya Aramco, ADNOC and ENOC extended

27 September 2023

Kenya has extended an existing oil supply deal designed to manage demand for dollars involving Saudi Aramco (Aramco), Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC).

Iran eyes stronger presence in Latin American petrochemical markets

26 September 2023

The Iranian petrochemical industry is actively pursuing a stronger presence in Latin America, primarily by offering technical services to Brazil and Venezuela.

Iran’s largest biorefinery to go public

26 September 2023

Iran’s leading biorefinery company Zagros Green Fuel Development Company is set to debut its shares on the Tehran Stock Exchange in October as the first project-based company in the Iranian capital market.

Mozambique’s president says ExxonMobil is committed to Rovuma LNG project

26 September 2023

Mozambique’s President Filipe Nyusi said on September 22 that the US super-major ExxonMobil had assured him of its commitment to moving forward with the Rovuma LNG project.

India's September oil imports from Saudi Arabia hit multi-year low

24 September 2023

India's crude oil imports from Saudi Arabia for the month of September have plunged to a multi-year low, with daily imports averaging around 500,000 barrels per day.

Glencore set to miss investment deadline for Cape Town refinery

21 September 2023

Glencore is currently engaged in negotiations with South Africa’s government regarding a promise to invest ZAR6bn ($3.7mn) in Cape Town refinery, due to the company coming close to missing the deadline following an explosion that shut the plant.